Horse Quest UK - Display your advert at the LeMieux National Dressage Championships
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Display your advert at the LeMieux National Dressage Championships

There couldn't be a better place to advertise!

The HorseQuest tradestand is set to return to Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire for the annual British Dressage National Championships, one of the most prestigious dates on the dressage calendar.

Not only does the championships attract the country’s leading riders all hoping to walk away with one of the 22 championship titles up for grabs, but it has also become a firm favourite with the crowds drawing in record numbers at last year’s show.

You can advertise your horse, pony or in fact any equestrian item on the tradestand for just £5, all we ask is that you have your advert online with HorseQuest at the time of the show.

Spaces are limited so make sure you book early to avoid disappointment!



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