Horse Quest UK - A great end to the year
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A great end to the year

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New Sponsor for Thoroughbred Dressage

I am thrilled and honoured to announce a new sponsor to team TB; Equine Science. 

Equine Science is a brilliant company specialising in calmers and products to combat gastric ulcers. The owner of the company has racehorses and ex racehorses, so they really understand these wonderful horses. I fully endorse this company as many of my horses are using or have used, their products in the past. 

Welcome to the team guys! 

My Second RoR Clinic: TB Dressage heads to the South West!

I was very honoured to be asked to do a second clinic for Retraining of Racehorses, this time I travelled south west towards Portsmouth and Southampton. It was great to see so many returning faces from the South East region and to everyone progressing well.

There were also quite a few new faces, which was fantastic. Due to the weather we had lots of spooky behaviour, his was a good thing as this is what most people experience when at shows in UK! We began by working through problem areas and starting to think forwards, rather than pulling our horses back. 

A brilliant day was had by all. I felt we all learnt something, including me!  

Red Rosette Day

It was a brilliant day for Para Dressage rider, Amanda Shirtcliffe at the Patchetts Para competition - three tests and three red rosettes! Amanda’s horse Rosie is showing improvement with each outing, I‘m hoping that this combination will grow in confidence as the 2015 season starts and progresses

It’s a new month and we have lots of new faces to Team TB:

Handel (Andy) – a 3 year old Thoroughbred owned by HM The Queen
Equine Science (Lucky) - a 7 year old owned by Deborah Gibbins
Ruby Rose (Rosie) - a 13 year old, who is privately owned
Lady – a 6 year old, owned by Sass Levi

I am very lucky that all of the new additions are on training livery, so I have a lovely string of horses to run alongside my current horses – bring on 2015! 



Thanks for reading!


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