Horse Quest UK - It's the Summer Holidays, WOOHOO!
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It's the Summer Holidays, WOOHOO!

Read Zoe's earlier blogs HERE

Although the best show jumping goes on all through the year, for me this year my two biggest shows are both when I’m off school - this combined with the fact that I can spend all day with my ponies, which means I have been living for the freedom! 

One of the shows I have been to this month was The Welsh Home Pony, which came and went.  But the other one I'm still looking forward to is Scope Festival in Stafford.

The Welsh Home Pony was as good as I was hoping, although sadly Rue didn't qualify for HOYS in the Newcomers. However she jumped fantastically, just breathing on a pole in the 2nd round, she was on fire, ears back and bouncing around! 

We were planning on taking Rue and Freddie, but Rue wasn't jumping the Thursday so Dad had the idea that he would take Herbie and Freddie up on Thursday and then dad would swap Rue and Herbie over. Unfortunately we forgot you can't enter on the day! In the end we squeezed Herbie into the discovery in the main ring - It was a disaster considering we were hoping to jump 1m and 1.10! 

I had a great time, even debuting my newly acquired blue hair (courtesy of my friend who had for some reason decided to dye it bright blue!). Rue was a pony on springs, just having the last fence in the jump off of our first 1.15m and finishing 5th in the 1m Derby out of about 125, which seemed to go on for ever, pony after pony after pony!

While Freddie finally got his last double clear, on the last day of the show! 

I came back tired, but happy as I've got tons to look forward to. Herbie is off to Academy Camp, while Rue and Freddie go to Scope! Maybe this will be my show! ;) 

As well as my new hair style, I’ve also been out and about with my new funky stirrups. So if you spot a small girl with bright yellow stirrups, that's me! After washing cars and saving up I eventually had enough to buy a pair of yellow free jump stirrups! It's the only time I've ever been thankful of being tiny, as you can only get the yellow ones in the junior edition! 


If you'd like to read more about my journey please feel free to check out my own blog - CLICK HERE

Thanks for reading, speak next month! :)


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