Horse Quest UK - Time to reflect..on SCOPE!
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Time to reflect..on SCOPE!

Read Zoe's earlier blogs HERE

Sadly this year’s Scope festival didn't go as I had planned, no massive win, no rug, and no sash - It just wasn't my show.

But it was still an amazing experience, the atmosphere was awesome, and some of the jumping we watched was incredible.

Rue was in the Pony Discovery, Progressive and 1m Restricted Rider, while Freddie contested the Pony Progressive and 1m rider.

On the first day I was a total muppet and completely fluffed my stride with Rue, so we had a stop which was utterly my fault. Luckily this was rectified by Rue qualifying for the main ring in the Restricted Rider, coming 20th! Meanwhile Freddie just had a silly pole, which was a little annoying! 

My first time in the main ring was epic! Rue never batted and eye lid, even with the water fountain and busy tradestands. She galloped in and flew round clear - definitely one of the best rounds we have ever jumped. Sadly we had 8 faults in the jump off as we were really going for it and it just didn't work, but her first round was lovely!

Unfortunately we didn't jump for 2days after that. Although we were scheduled a break the next day, the rain on the Wednesday resulted in all the outdoor rings being cancelled for two days - so what else could we do but shop and watch some really good show jumping - such a hardship! Luckily there was space to walk so we did managed to stretch the ponies legs in between the down pours.

The day of the Progressive qualifier arrived, Rue had an unlucky pole but Freddie jumped a perfect double clear. Unfortunately I was two places out of the line-up and so didn't qualify for the final, but on the positive side I had a great time, got in the main arena and really started to understand Freddie!


Until next time!

If you'd like to read more about my journey please feel free to check out my own blog - CLICK HERE 


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