Horse Quest UK - Blue Chip, winning and a sad goodbye
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Blue Chip, winning and a sad goodbye


Read Zoe's earlier blogs HERE

Hello, I'm back!

As you will know I went to The Blue Chip Championships this month, and I'm happy to say it was a weekend of mixed results! 

Herbie’s round didn't quite go to plan, as he found the ring terrifying - bright and massive! Although on a plus point we did get our own personal applause, for what has to be my best come back from being unseated to date! We were in the jump off of our first class and I decided to take a stride out coming to a spread, which Herbie wasn't so sure about, so therefore ducked out at the last minute - this left me with one foot in the stirrup, and the other on the same side, just as if I was getting on! Luckily I still had hold of the reins and managed to haul myself back on to the sound of a huge cheer. Strangely I came out of the ring grinning from ear to ear, and thinking, my weekend was complete!

But it wasn't, Rue was still to come. Her first class was the Discovery warm up. She cantered into the ring, never batted an eye lid at the stands and when the crowd clapped for the previous competitor Rue flicked her hooves just a little bit more! We secured 10th place and got to go in for the lap of honour, which she loved. I even got a 'wow that one looks happy!' comment from Bob Ellis (the Course builder) 

We then went on to the Discovery Championships, a three round class, and because she got into the final jump off we jumped at 10.30pm - definitely the latest I have ever jumped, but it was amazing as the whole stand was packed with people watching and cheering!  Sadly we had a pole down which denied us 3rd place, but I still got 13th which I was incredibly happy with. 

Sunday morning came hard when I woke up having got to bed at midnight, but it was definitely worth it. Somehow Herbie managed to fall over the second part of a double, I'm not sure if I should be concerned! Rue performed yet again, getting into the Horse Quest Sapphire jump off. Unfortunately we had a pole as I attempted a risky turn, sorry Horse Quest, I tried! But it's not going to come off every time. 

All in all I had the best weekend of jumping in my life and drove home with a stupid grin on my face! I'm not sure if Rue and Herbie enjoyed it as much as I did, I hope they did - all I know is for the first time, they were actually tired - as I walked to our stables to load them up, there were two little heads resting on the stable door with their eyes closed! 

As the ponies had such a tiring time at Blue Chip they haven't been to too many shows this month. Although amazingly Herbie has picked himself up and been on a role. In his two outings to Colraine and Badgworth he won both Discovery classes and at Badgworth jumped his first Newcomers double clear, finishing 2nd! 


Sadly this month Mystery went to her last show. For the past few weeks she hadn't been jumping verywell, so we took her to the vets after Colraine as she really wasn't right and it turned out she has a problem with her front leg which will never get better, so she has been retired. But on the plus side we packed her off (without a rug!) to a stud, where hopefully she will have a little foal! This means I shall be glued to HorseQuest on the lookout for another pony to help me achieve my dreams of jumping Pony Show jumper! 

If you'd like to read more about my journey please feel free to check out my own blog - CLICK HERE

Thanks for reading, speak next month! :)



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