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First Ponies

Ponies For Sale First Ponies
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Tia - Welsh section B family Pony

  • Welsh Section B
  • Bay roan
  • Mare
  • 17 years
  • 12.2 hands

Tia - Welsh section B family Pony

Ref #: 363191
  • Family Pony
  • First ridden
  • lead rein
£4,500 OVNO
  • Welsh Section B
  • Bay roan
  • Mare
  • 17 years
  • 12.2 hands
  • Family Pony
  • First ridden
  • lead rein

Heart breaking sale of a very loved pony.

Tia is a bay roan 12.2 hh Welsh section B on a green passport – age 17.

Tia has spent the past 3 years with us teaching my now 11-year-old twins the ropes.

She hacks out on and off lead rein, has done pony club rallies, arena hires and xc hires.

Tia jumps xc and show jumps and will jump up to 70 cm but is most comfortable at 50-60 cm.

She has done her job and is now ready to teach the next little person/ persons.

Tia is excellent on the lead rein and loves this type of work, she will show jump, xc and do showing classes all on the lead rein.

She has had children aged 2- 13 years on her and looks after little ones well.

Good in the stable, kids can groom her, pick her feet out, walk round her.

Doesn’t bite or kick.

She is great to load, clip, and for farrier and vet. She is barefoot.

Easy to keep, does have restricted grass in the summer. Lives in at night and out in the day.

She does have some small scaring to her left eye – historic but this doesn’t affect her work.

Has had very mild sweet itch and this was managed with rugs and creams.

Tia is either first ridden on the lead rein or a 1.5 pony.

Can come with wintec adjustable saddle and rugs if required.

Loads of photos and videos available.

5-star home required for my children’s best friend.

North East Lincolnshire.

11.2hh British Riding Pony

  • Riding Pony
  • Chestnut
  • Mare
  • 16 years
  • 11.2 hands

11.2hh British Riding Pony

Ref #: 362503
  • Former Show Pony
  • Mothers dream
£4,000 neg
  • Riding Pony
  • Chestnut
  • Mare
  • 16 years
  • 11.2 hands
  • Former Show Pony
  • Mothers dream

Pretty Chestnut British Riding 11.2hh 16yr mare. The perfect lead rein pony, first ridden hacker or second pony off lead schooling. She really has been a mother’s dream looking after my 2yr old and 4yr old. My 4yr old brings her in from the field, grooms and picks out her feet on her own.

Formally been a show pony and has literally done it all! But with us she has had a quieter life hacking (due to not having an arena) and teaching my children to ride.

Currently being ridden off lead, hacking, schooling at an arena hire and jumping with a 12 year old.

Currently living out. No previous laminitis or sweet itch. Teeth and vaccines up to date.
Bare foot.

Palomino Princess Josie

  • Irish
  • Palomino
  • Mare
  • 18 years
  • 13 hands

Palomino Princess Josie

Ref #: 363164
  • Ideal first pony
  • Kind caring and trustworthy
  • Handled and ridden by children daily
£3,750 OVNO
  • Irish
  • Palomino
  • Mare
  • 18 years
  • 13 hands
  • Ideal first pony
  • Kind caring and trustworthy
  • Handled and ridden by children daily

Josie is the ultimate confidence giver and has taken numerous children through all levels of riding. A brilliant pony to teach, gain confidence and experience for any child looking for a true best friend.

A true allrounder, and pony club pony. Josie has hunted lots in Ireland and has spent her years teaching children the ropes of riding whilst throughly enjoying her job.

She is a brilliant, safe, fun pony for cross country, showjumping , lessons and being a family friend. Has also previously done pairs and hunter trials. She is fantastic on the lead rein, always careful polite and mannerly. She really does care about her passenger.

Rides nicely on the flat, in the school and in open spaces, brilliant in traffic. Hacks alone or in company. Always just ridden in a snaffle.

Excellent with children and other animals. Turns out with mares and geldings.

Josie is in great condition and has absolutely no vices.

Open to any inspection.

First Ridden Dream Pony

  • Welsh Section A
  • Grey
  • Mare
  • 22 years
  • 11.2 hands

First Ridden Dream Pony

Ref #: 354472
  • Brilliant First Pony
  • Done All Pony Club Activities and Camp
  • Mothers Dream
£1,500 ONO
  • Welsh Section A
  • Grey
  • Mare
  • 22 years
  • 11.2 hands
  • Brilliant First Pony
  • Done All Pony Club Activities and Camp
  • Mothers Dream

11.2 mothers dream first ridden pony for sale,

Bought for my daughter taught her massively from lead rein to first ridden, steady and safe type, never sick or sorry.

Done all pony club activities and camps, hacks hunts will stand all day, will ride and lead, not fizzy or silly, good to handle by all, fine with farm animals dogs, chicken, traffic etc loves children. travels in lorry and trailer.

This has been a very hard decision but we know deep down it is the right one and she is now ready to teach another rider the ropes;

She will live in or out, she is currently in on a night some mornings she will come out stiff but loosen up in a short time

She is 22, but an absolute dream first pony loves her job.

Priced to sell due to her age.

Looking for a 5* knowledgeable home where she will be looked after and loved.

Dream confidence giving pony

  • Cob
  • Coloured
  • Gelding
  • 13 years
  • 13.1 hands

Dream confidence giving pony

Ref #: 362616
  • Real confidence giver
  • Ideal first pony / mother share
  • Foxy is one of the kindest ponies around and winnies whenever he sees his little person rider
  • Cob
  • Coloured
  • Gelding
  • 13 years
  • 13.1 hands
  • Real confidence giver
  • Ideal first pony / mother share
  • Foxy is one of the kindest ponies around and winnies whenever he sees his little person rider

Foxy is a very safe ideal first pony with a leg in each corner. He was bought in early 2024 for an 8 year old nervous girl as a first off the leading rein pony to give confidence to. He is 13 year old very fine cob, but has no breeding in his passport.

He is a saint in the school and enjoyes hacking round our farm in Buckinghamshire and doens't shy at tractors, machines, dogs etc and is not spookey. He's also an excellent hunting pony. He is happy on or off the leading rein. He's also got a great pop so would suit a mother child share. Foxy loves children and all the attention that anyone is prepared to give him. His only vice is that he's a little greedy.

He goes out every day, but is in at night and does not have laminitis or cushings. He's good to shoe, clip etc.

Totally genuine reason for sale in that we are now looking for something to move forward to do PC activities are a higher level. This has been a very hard decision but we know deep down it is the right one and he is now ready to teach another rider the ropes. He will only go to the best of homes! We have lots of videos available and good trial facilities are available

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