The best family pony
- Child’s dream pony
- On and off lead rein and driven
- Super fun
SOLD! Sold to a lovely home
- Shetland
- Coloured
- Mare
- 4 years
- 10.2 hands
- Child’s dream pony
- On and off lead rein and driven
- Super fun
Cookie - Our lovely little Cookie is looking for her new little person , Cookie is 10’2 , or 42 ins she is very willing with a lovely attitude , she is unfazed by cars and other traffic.
Cookie is regularly handled and ridden by a 9 year old
Superb to handle, easily caught and lead in from the field. Has been seen by the farrier and happy to have her feet trimmed. A total pleasure to have on the yard. Will stand quiet in her stable or tie up sensibly on the yard. Cookie will make some family a wonderful little pony.
Cookie is a lead rein pony and will happily follow or be lead around , is quiet and sensible in all ways loves hacking around the woods off lead and popping poles in the school also has driven on the roads etc
Happy to be pampered by little ones
Has been hacked and used in the school for little children
Will be a lovely addition to any family wanting a safe and secure pony for their child to enjoy
More than happy to answer any questions. Lots more videos and pictures upon request.