Stunning Silver Dapple Mare
- Ready to back
- Excellent foundation
- TGCA Passported
SOLD! Sold to an amazing home ?? best of luck to her and her new owners
- Ready to back
- Excellent foundation
- TGCA Passported
Kitty is an absolutely striking silver dapple filly.
Standing at 14.3h roughly she has plenty more growing to do, should make 15hh and has plenty of bone and feather to grow into. TGCA passport bred by Planets Stud in Exeter.
Currently living out and coming into the stables during bad weather periods.
She has been owned since 6 months old at weaning and has had a solid foundation put in place to prepare her for ridden career without over handling her.
Wolf teeth have been removed and has had teeth checked twice a year to get used to the dentist to which she has no problems.
Worm counted and wormed (January) since a foal and has never had a sick or sorry day.
Lives out and also will stable overnight or multiple days.
Ties up and leads both alone and in a pair/group well mannered when handled.
Has been worked with multiple reputable natural horsemanship trainers in an indoor and an outdoor school
Used to busy yard life, children, dogs and has proven to be very gentle natured.
Barefoot trimmed regularly with a podiatrist from a foal.
No expense has been spared on her keep and time spent with her but sadly she is for sale due to a change in life circumstances and so she is looking for her forever home to either be a wonderful ridden horse or a broodmare.
Have photos from a foal to now and would very much like to keep in contact with her new home as she is a much cared for member of the herd.
Serious enquiries only she is a very special horse and she deserves a wonderful home