Horse Quest UK - Family Friends: Horses
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Family Friends: Horses

Lovely low level allrounder

Ref #: 363215
  • Rose is a gorgeous 16.1hh 12yo bay TB mare
  • Would suit a low level RC / hacking / dressage / general allround home
  • Thoroughbred
  • Bay
  • Mare
  • 12 years
  • 16.1 hands
  • Rose is a gorgeous 16.1hh 12yo bay TB mare
  • Would suit a low level RC / hacking / dressage / general allround home

Rose is a gorgeous 16.1hh 12yo bay TB mare. She is the kindest horse in and out of the stable. She has been ridden by all of us on the yard and is straightforward and uncomplicated.

Rose has hacked in the heaviest of traffic with us, has seen big artic lorries, tractors etc. She is patient waiting for traffic to pass and doesn’t fidget. We have cantered her in big open fields where she hasn’t got strong or silly.

Rose previously was trained by a GBR team dressage rider so is beautifully schooled, we are currently building her fitness and strength up again in this area.

We have taken Rose XC schooling and showjumping, and she’s done some ODE’s with previous owner. We found her very brave with water, steps, ditches etc but she’s happier with jumps around 70cm.

She is lovely on the ground, she’s great to load, shoe, travel, catch etc. She’s very cuddly in the stable. She has had her teeth done with us and my osteopath has treated her with no issues. She’s up to date with all vaccines, worming etc.

She has a small flat sarcoid on her stomach which she’s had all her life and doesn’t bother her.

We feel Rose would suit a low level RC / hacking / dressage / general allround home

We do not want to sell her to an inexperienced/ nervous rider or a child, and the reason for this is with a previous owner who didn’t keep her in consistent work, she would buck going into the canter. She did this with us on day 1, and not done it since. We find her the easiest mare in the world.

Rose will come with her fitted saddle and bridle.

Based near Badminton

What’s app or call only 07888675407


Ref #: 360664
  • Very goog to hack alone or with campany and great with traffic
  • KWPN
  • Brown
  • Mare
  • 14 years
  • 16.1 hands
  • Very goog to hack alone or with campany and great with traffic

ANOUSKA has a stable name which is MOON

She is been with us since 2021 we enjoined looking after her. we bought her and 3 more mares to breed from her as we loved her temperament and her breeding line but we never did in the end so we decided to sell.

Since early 2024 she was back to riding and had a good restart of groundwork and riding. we believe that she had done some dressage and Jumping in the past as she feels like she knows what is it all about as you can see in her video how smooth she ride.

She is very good with all daily care such as leading in and out catching picking the feet up farrier grooming and tacking up etc.

She can live out or in, she is very nice to other horses, she is good to hack on her own or a company.

Her health is great never had any issiues ever since we bought her and she is been sound the whole time.

Moon had an accident 8/9years ago in a horse Walker and injured her wither howevr This has never been a cause for any discomfort or pain or any issues at all with it you would never notice it.

Moon is very good and easy to deal with in the stable and anywhere else, she loves grooming and great and easy to tack up never puts ears back at anything, very good to rug on and off very good to lead to the field and from the field and easy to catch. NO VICES.

We believe she can be suitable for a novice rider but also can definitely do some dressage or jumping .

Her level of anergy is ever so good never too much and never lazy easy forward going when asking and easy slowing and stopping.

very good to mount stand still for as long as you like.


Top Allrounder / Hunter

Ref #: 359284
  • She has previously been to riding club camps, fun rides, beaches and done plenty of hacking.
  • Alice is an absolute jumping machine
  • Bay
  • Mare
  • 10 years
  • 16 hands
  • She has previously been to riding club camps, fun rides, beaches and done plenty of hacking.
  • Alice is an absolute jumping machine

16hd 11yr mare

The absolute leg in each corner , power house..

Super quality all rounder; who really looks the part being out on the hunt field. Today she went out as if she has done it all her life. Stood like a rock when required & takes you into the hedges with no bother at all. Perfect with the hounds too.

She has previously been to riding club camps, fun rides, XC Schooling, beaches and done plenty of hacking.
Alice is an absolute jumping machine… and throughly enjoys it. She is very bold, not spooky, careful and takes you into a fence.

Currently unshod with no issues.

She is an enjoyable ride for someone wanting to have fun however I ask for no novices as she is a powerful forward going mare.

The Ultimate Happy Hacker

Ref #: 357872
  • Stunning full leopard spot appaloosa, likes to live out, could be stabled at night
  • Fantastic hack, need not be ridden every day, not strong, ridden by 5' petite lady in a snaffle
  • Lovely manners and the sweetest nature, confident hacking alone and loves company
  • Appaloosa
  • Spotted
  • Mare
  • 12 years
  • 16.1 hands
  • Stunning full leopard spot appaloosa, likes to live out, could be stabled at night
  • Fantastic hack, need not be ridden every day, not strong, ridden by 5' petite lady in a snaffle
  • Lovely manners and the sweetest nature, confident hacking alone and loves company

Fran is a truly lovely mare, absolutely stunning and gets compliments where ever she goes. She is gently forward without being fizzy and loves going out. She is great in traffic and is used to farm vehicles and other animals, donkeys, hens etc. Happy to hack alone.

She is amazing on the ground and stands politely at the mounting block. She stands quietly for the farrier and can be clipped out including her face without even being tied up. Never nasty in any way. Loves a scratch and some fuss.

She is great to catch and does not need riding everyday. Sent for professional schooling this summer. She is happiest living out but has been stabled. Fine living with mares or geldings.

Fran does not enjoy jumping. She has always been unwilling in this area and needs a non-jumping home. She was recently X-rayed and this revealed issues regarding her confirmation that explains her reluctance. It is not arthritis, she is not in pain. She has never had, nor does she need injections or medication. This is fully reflected in her price.

A loving home is essential. No loans, offers, time-wasters, this is a difficult sale. Tack can be available separately.

Dirk's Orion Sultan
Indians Pride Bianca
Darcy Dancer Dance with Wolves
Ibee A Justin It Kerney Dancer
Blackeyed Siouxie

Lovely uncomplicated riding club type

Ref #: 360849
  • Thoroughbred
  • Bay
  • Gelding
  • 5 years
  • 16.1 hands

Lovely TB gelding approx 16.1HH rising 6yo dark bay. BB has recently retired sound from racing so is ROR eligible. He is such a sweet, genuine and laid back lad.

He would be absolutely ideal as a happy hacker or low level riding club horse or just someone’s best friend with his outstanding temperament. He’s got so much love to give. Someone who just wants a nice easy going, straight forward horse to enjoy life with.

He started his retraining 8 weeks ago and already works very nicely in the arena, he’s green and unbalanced balanced when he’s not sure what you’re asking but he enjoys it. Hes really enjoying his jumping and has been to arena hires, pole rallies and group jump clinics.

Always behaves impeccably at different venues and is just incredibly easy to do anything with. Does not need to be ridden every day and is perfect to hack alone or in company, we have ridden him straight down main roads and he’s not been bothered at big Lorrie’s etc. He is very polite in big open spaces and happily walks, trots and canters in big fields.

He’s great to shoe, box, catch, travel etc. BB is more woah than go, hence not wanting to be a race horse, so he would suit most people if they are willing to finish off his retraining, he is obviously not a ready made riding horse 8 weeks out of retraining…. Having said that he basically just needs more miles on the clock to gain a bit of experience, the sensible brain and level headedness is already there!

Based near Badminton

07888 675407 call or whatsapp only!

Has recently passed a 5 stage vetting but buyer pulled out as he has a non progressive scar on right eye. So he’s priced to sell for a hassle free quick sale as livery fees are now costing more than his price tag. He’s on sales livery, still owned by breeder/trainer so full history known!

Super quality young horse

Ref #: 355923
  • Very easy going
  • 3 nice paces
  • Schooling up to 90cm with plenty of scope
£9,000 OIRO
  • Thoroughbred
  • Bay
  • Gelding
  • 4 years
  • 15 hands
  • Very easy going
  • 3 nice paces
  • Schooling up to 90cm with plenty of scope
Schools very sweetly with 3 nice paces and straightforward to ride. He loves to jump and will go off any stride. Not phased by rustic or spooky looking fences. After having only ever seen a handful of solid fences Neo went arena eventing where he jumped all of the xc fences clear. Jumps easily around a course with good breaks and steering.

Neo is super easy in all ways, often handled by young children and I would trust him out hacking with a novice on, he walks trots and canters quietly on a long rein on his own or in groups. He would make a wonderful mother daughter share.

Looking for someone who wants to have fun and finish off this quality pony. He has all the attributes to be a lovely PC horse or grassroots event horse.

He’s been produced slowly and given the time to gain confidence in all forms!

Good to catch, shoe and load.

Up to date with farrier, vaccinations and dentist.

No vices.

More video's and photos available upon request.

Please contact Imogen on 07876 707070 via WhatsApp or over the phone for more info.
Scrabble Portage

Fantastic schoolmaster

Ref #: 363203
  • Fun schoolmaster knows his job
  • Successfully competed in all disciplines
  • Safe reliable allrounder
  • Irish
  • Bay
  • Gelding
  • 15 years
  • 15.3 hands
  • Fun schoolmaster knows his job
  • Successfully competed in all disciplines
  • Safe reliable allrounder

Handsome 15 year old gelding owned for the past 7 years. He will look after a rider learning the ropes, and has 3 well balanced paces, he has been used in our riding school & Has taught many a rider to canter and jump. But will equally step up a gear to suit the riders ability.

Successfully competed dressage and show jumping happily round 95cm courses. Good to hack alone or in company.

Lives in or out happily & is currently clipped good to clip & with farrier.

Sad sale of this beautiful horse due to closing riding school.


Ref #: 362443
  • Lovely well schooled all rounder who is looking for a low level RC home or happy hacker
  • Irish Sports Horse
  • Black
  • Mare
  • 12 years
  • 16 hands
  • Lovely well schooled all rounder who is looking for a low level RC home or happy hacker

Ebony was sold to her current owners by ourselves three years ago. She has been and done a bit of everything both with them and with previous owners who concentrated on showing and dressage.

Sadly her current owner has on going health issues which means she can no longer ride so Ebony must find a new home. Ebony is a well schooled ride on the flat and gives a nice feel. She has three balanced paces and has done well at grassroots dressage at prelim and novice level. Ebony has done unaffiliated SJ and XC up to 80 cms. She enjoys her jumping and is very straightforward to jump, brave with all coloured poles, fillers etc. she has done some unaff ODE’s previously.

She is a lovely hack and will go alone or in company and is good in traffic and open spaces. Ideal home would want to do a bit of everything at low level. Ebony is an easy mare in and out the stable, good to catch, clip, box, shoe etc. 

Priced very sensibly to sell as may require ongoing maintenance, owners are happy to disclose all veterinary history. Home is more important than price! She’s sound and healthy but has had her SI medicated previously. Price includes made to measure quality tack.

Seen at livery.

Flashy ISH With A Huge CV

Ref #: 363196
  • Excellent mover
  • Plenty of scope
  • Experienced in the ring
£4,500 ONO
  • British Warmblood
  • Chestnut
  • Mare
  • 16 years
  • 16.1 hands
  • Excellent mover
  • Plenty of scope
  • Experienced in the ring

Stunning 2009 warmblood mare , approx 16.1hh
No lumps / bumps / medical history
Clipped , shod, in work and ready to go

Courtney is an easy mare to have on the yard. A low maintenance type who will happily live in or out. Kind and mannerly in the stable and no bother for any member of the yard to see to

Outstanding mover on the flat, she really does move for fun. There would be some serious dressage scores to be had with her. She has already participated in some BRC dressage with a teen and had ribbons in the prelim section. She has auto changes installed , very easy to collect together. A real expressive and straight moving mare with a huge range through her paces. Always in a snaffle and never strong. Super adjustable little horse who always looks the part , the type to make the rider look good

Courtney has a very good and super consistent record to 1m25 with numerous qualification and placing around a broad spectrum of UK venues. Extremely careful mare who undoubtedly has a lot of jump in the tank. Excellent technique infront and behind and bold enough to jump you out of trouble. Very steady and rideable around a set of fences , certainly not going to look at fillers etc , she really knows the job

Excellent in traffic and open spaces! Easy to take out in company , nothing phases her. She does need a strong rider to hack her out alone. I take her on my own regularly but she does need to know this is not a choice and Infact a compulsory activity. Once she knows this she is very compliant and enjoys being out and about

Courtney does require a keen and knowledgeable rider as does have her chestnut moments. Nothing that would phase someone competent and confident and once you get to know each other you’ll see less and less of this side to her. However that said , this is no surprise as she is so incredibly talented and certainly not something to moan about giving the quality of calibre mare she is

It’s been a half heart decision as was very keen to keep her. She’s really filled a gap for me while my gelding has been out of work and always gives me such an exciting feeling. If the finances were free for me to keep the two, she’d be staying.

Super cob in the making

Ref #: 363188
£9,500 ONO
  • Cob
  • Black
  • Gelding
  • 6 years
  • 15.3 hands

5 year old rising 6, Blagdon cob Gelding, 15.3hh.

Tommy is not your typical kick along cob. He loves to have a job and enjoys a variety of disciplines. He started his schooling education at the start of this year. In this time, he has been arena eventing at Hickstead, arena hire, and has started his showjumping education. He proved to be very bold, jumping fillers ditches and steps.

Last year, he was used as a happy hacker and was desensitised to a variety of different vehicles and machinery. Aswell as this, he has taken part in showing and TREC with great success.

Tommy would be best suited to a knowledgeable home who has past experience with bringing on young horses and will offer him a varied lifestyle.

Tommy can be quirky and has been known to throw in a buck, but never malicious!

Great to load, clip, etc, and he is brilliant with the farrier and pyshio.

Super smart all round treasure

Ref #: 363195
  • Lovely paces
  • Easy to do
  • Bold jumper
£12,000 ONO
  • Irish Sports Horse
  • Grey
  • Mare
  • 14 years
  • 15.3 hands
  • Lovely paces
  • Easy to do
  • Bold jumper

ZARA - Beautiful 15.3 Grey 14yo Mare. Zara is a super smart girl with bags of experience and a huge character

She has 3 lovely balanced paces. She works lovely on the flat and has a nice big jump! She really does love her job.

She is great fun to hack. She is happy to go alone, in company, in front, middle or last. She is brilliant in traffic, nothing phases her.

Zara is so willing, she really loves her job. Once she bonds, she will be your friend for life.

She is up to date with farrier, vaccinations, worming, dentist.

Zara is not a novice ride. She would suit an experienced teenager/adult/mother-daughter share!

Please call or message 07903 782586 for more info & to arrange a viewing.

Stabled at Tow Law, North East.


Ref #: 362438
  • The best of Irish breeding
  • Nice all rounder
  • Bay
  • Mare
  • 9 years
  • 16.2 hands
  • The best of Irish breeding
  • Nice all rounder

Just onto the market  this stunning 16:2 bay Irish mare 

She has top class breeding - Sire: Nigrasine, Mon Tresor, Longleat. Dam: Forest Clover Flight, Laughtons Flight, King of Diamonds, Clover Hill. The best of Irish breeding.

She is 9 years old and was used for Riding Club in Ireland. She done some low-level Eventing. Lots of fun rides. And hunting.

She done lots of showjumping. Around.80,90 1m.

She rides really nice on the flat. And would do a lovely dressage test. 

She would be a nice all rounder.

She goes hacking a few times a week with us  and she has proven to be very honest and straightforward

We have had her at a few training events and she jumped at Wellington recently. She’s very honest. She is a nice person to have around the yard.

She has no vices and opened to be vetted.

15.3hh Black Irish Cob

Ref #: 362420
  • Cracking Allrounder / Happy Hacker
  • Safe, Kind, loving, Gentle, Super Steady
  • Great Weight Carrier Plod Along
£8,000 ONO
  • Cob
  • Black
  • Mare
  • 6 years
  • 15.3 hands
  • Cracking Allrounder / Happy Hacker
  • Safe, Kind, loving, Gentle, Super Steady
  • Great Weight Carrier Plod Along

15.3hh 6yrs Black Irish Cob Mare - Cracking Allrounder / Happy Hacker

Kind, Well Mannered, Super Steady

Mabel is a really nice calm considerate girl, she is a stunning model that’s been there and done it all.

Tonnes of experience and unbelievably safe. Ideal for a rider who wants to progress and have some fun, she is super steady, calm and gentle in every way, she is super chilled a bit of a plod, even tho she is super safe, she responds to the leg and has 3 excellent paces, with flare and enthusiasm, she is very sensible and can be forward going if your a more experienced rider, not spooky or sharp or silly in anyway, she is responsive to the leg while remaining calm and relaxed she is extremely willing and will do anything you ask and loves to pop a jump or log, she is extremely flexible and supple, she walks, trots and canters beautifully.
She is a fantastic all-rounder.

This is a really fantastic horse for anyone to build up their confidence, continue learning to ride and progress on.
Definitely a 1st and 2nd horse.

6yrs Schoolmistress

Exceptional mare with tonnes of experience for sale. Has spent the few years in the same riding school where she has been ridden by all level riders. She has done all flat work lessons, privates and groups, with the same enthusiasm now as when he first started her riding school career. She is very genuine and loves to hack out, she doesn’t pull, rush, spook or get nervous of anything.

Absolutely no vices, when ridden, in the stable or in the field and has brilliant manners enabling anyone to handle her safely and with ease, will stand for hours with no head collar or lead rope being groomed.

She has exceptional manners and ticks so many boxes for someone looking for a very safe easy Schoolmistress, with no ifs or buts.

She will hack out alone or in company without batting an eye lid. She is 100% safe, steady and collected when ridden in all paces across open fields, regardless of wether he is at the front or back of the ride or on his own, she will not rush or pull even on the way home.

Snaffle mouth with absolutely no gadgets.

She lives out in a mixed herd but is equally happy to be stabled, she keeps herself to herself and never causes any trouble despite being out with 30 other horses.
Has excellent manners with the farrier and currently barefoot.
She is excellent to catch, load with the farrier, dentist and vet.

She would give confidence to any rider/ handler when hunting, eventing, showjumping, fun rides and beach rides he has been there and done it all.

She doesn’t need to be ridden every day she can go without work then be tacked up and ridden without any fuss, she is extremely low maintenance.
He has never been lame had laminitis, sweet itch or sarcoids. No lumps or bumps. No Marish traits.

Passes are annual Licence Inspection which is equivalent to a stage 2 vetting.

Looking for a five star private home to give someone the opportunity to purchase a safe and very sensible horse, with so much to offer.

First to see will buy, she is one in a million and really can’t be missed.

We have a few horses and ponies available to purchase.

Absolute heartbreaking sale but we like to change our stock around every 2 years to give our fantastic horses and ponies the opportunity to experience a one to one home again.

Photos and videos available upon request.
If you are genuinely interested please CALL me, as text messages and email cant always be replied to straight away.

Stockport, Cheshire, SK2


Ref #: 362552
  • Super allrounder
  • Been there done it and won it!
  • Fun, safe ride
  • Anglo European
  • Grey
  • Gelding
  • 15 years
  • 16.2 hands
  • Super allrounder
  • Been there done it and won it!
  • Fun, safe ride

Teenagers dream, AES 2009 16.2hh grey gelding. Ollie is the ultimate allrounder, he’s been in the same home for six years, looking after a mature rider and enjoying riding club activities and plenty of hacking, he previously had a super showjumping career and knows this job inside out.

Ollie has been there, done it and got the t shirt. He’s the ultimate allrounder and wants to please, he hacks alone and in company, sane and sensible in open spaces, great to take out and about and has done all riding club activities, he will give you plenty of confidence jumping and no doubt will bring home the ribbons.

Beautiful paces and would easily do a dressage test, he makes it a very easy ride for you, auto changes and has a beautiful balanced canter. This super boy is 10/10 to ride, confidence giving, experienced and very fun. He can pull moody faces in the box mainly over the door, once head collar or bridle is on you can cuddle him endlessly!

Open to any vet or trainer.

Kind, genuine and sensible gelding

Ref #: 363170
  • Laid back easy gelding who is riding well
  • Well produced so far, winning showing on the flat and working hunter
  • Genuine in every way
£7,250 ONO
  • Irish Sports Horse
  • Dark bay
  • Gelding
  • 5 years
  • 15.3 hands
  • Laid back easy gelding who is riding well
  • Well produced so far, winning showing on the flat and working hunter
  • Genuine in every way

15.3hh 6 year old gelding, 6 year old full Irish breeding recorded.

Really genuine, quiet and kind horse.

Raffy rides really easy, not at all hot or silly. Schools well on the flat, takes a kick not sharp.

Would do any job whether it’s eventing, showing, pc/ riding club allrounder, mother daughter share.

He’s super quiet to handle and do everything with. Hacks anywhere on the buckle.

He has shown under saddle successfully and done working hunter.

Open to vetting, transport can be arranged.

JOEY - Safe, talented Allrounder

Ref #: 347488
  • Brilliant to hack
  • Easy and fun
  • Irish
  • Coloured
  • Gelding
  • 9 years
  • 15.2 hands
  • Brilliant to hack
  • Easy and fun

Classic 2015 Irish gelding standing at 15.2hh, Joey is fun, experienced and very much an easy, safe Allrounder.

He’s hunted, done hunter trials, showjumping and most riding club activities, he’s seen plenty and is easy to do.

He has three straight moving paces on the flat, rides off the voice or the leg and is more woah then go! However if you ask him he will go up the gears.

Joey is extremely bold jumping and doesn’t look at anything, he remains in a lovely rhythm however will jump whatever he’s put at effortlessly and very much gives his rider confidence, he’s no different over coloured fences or rustic and is keen to get it right.

He will hack on the buckle all day long, isn’t bothered by traffic, machinery or busy situations and is quite content going out alone as well as in company.

Joey is an easy, straightforward and uncomplicated chap, an ideal Allrounder / mother daughter share/ granny’s hack or ladies hunter.

Open to any vet or trainer

Trial period available

Traditional Gypsy Cob 14.3hh Massive Weight Carrier 8yrs

Ref #: 363179
  • Perfect RDA / Special Educational Needs
  • Massive Confidence Giver For Very Nervous, Scared, Beginner Rider
  • Stunning, Unbelievably Safe, Push Button Horse
£10,000 ONO
  • Cob
  • Bay
  • Mare
  • 8 years
  • 14.3 hands
  • Perfect RDA / Special Educational Needs
  • Massive Confidence Giver For Very Nervous, Scared, Beginner Rider
  • Stunning, Unbelievably Safe, Push Button Horse

14.3hh 8yrs Traditional Gypsy Cob
Massive Weight Carrier, Bay, Mare
Super Safe RDA/ Special Educational Needs Horse
Confidence Giver for Very Nervous, Inexperienced Rider
Cracking Allrounder / Happy Hacker
Fantastic Pony Club, Low Level Competition Horse
This mare simply has it all and can turn her hoof to anything.

Kind, Well Mannered, Super Steady

A billion % safe really nice calm considerate girl, she is a stunning model that’s been there and done it all.

Tonnes of experience and unbelievably safe. Ideal for a rider who wants to progress and have some fun, she is super steady, calm and gentle in every way, she is super chilled and calm in everyway, even tho she is super safe, she responds to the leg and has 3 excellent paces, with flare and enthusiasm, she is very sensible and can be forward going if your a more experienced rider, not spooky or sharp or silly in anyway, she is responsive to the leg while remaining calm and relaxed she is extremely willing and will do anything you ask and loves to pop a jump or log, she is extremely flexible and supple, she walks, trots and canters beautifully.

She is a fantastic all-rounder.

This is a really fantastic horse for anyone to build up their confidence, continue learning to ride and progress on.
Definitely a 1st and 2nd horse.
This mare simply has it all, she is ridden in the morning but SENCO riders, then participates in advanced lesson jumping, dressage, cross country, hacking in the afternoon.

8 years Schoolmistress

Exceptional mare with tonnes of experience for sale. Has spent the few years in the same riding school where she has been ridden by all level riders. She has done all flat work lessons, privates and groups, with the same enthusiasm now as when he first started her riding school career. She is very genuine and loves to hack out, she doesn’t pull, rush, spook or get nervous of anything. She is one of our main hack horses as she is exceptional at the front, middle, back of the ride or on her own.

This horse is simply one in a million, she is one of our main RDA horses where she is ridden in the paddock, across open fields and roads by riders with mild to severe learning requirements she will stand at a mounting block and hoist for hours if required, she is absolutely not phased at all by extremely loud noises, shouting and screaming, riders waving their arms and swinging their legs, even dismounting whilst she is moving, she simply stops immediately.

Absolutely no vices, when ridden, in the stable or in the field and has brilliant manners enabling anyone to handle her safely and with ease, will stand for hours with no head collar or lead rope being groomed.

She has exceptional manners and ticks so many boxes for someone looking for a very safe easy Schoolmistress, with no ifs or buts.

She will hack out alone or in company without batting an eye lid in extremely heavy traffic including articulated, lorries, double-decker, buses tractors & trailers,farm machinery absolutely nothing bothers her.
She is 100% safe, steady and collected when ridden in all paces across open fields, regardless of wether she is at the front or back of the ride or on his own, she will not rush or pull even on the way home.

Snaffle mouth with absolutely no gadgets.

She lives out in a mixed herd but is equally happy to be stabled, she keeps herself to herself and never causes any trouble despite being out with 30 other horses.
Has excellent manners with the farrier and currently barefoot.
She is excellent to catch, load with the farrier, dentist and vet.

She would give confidence to any rider/ handler when hunting, eventing, showjumping, fun rides and beach rides he has been there and done it all.

She doesn’t need to be ridden every day she can go without work then be tacked up and ridden without any fuss, she is extremely low maintenance.
He has never been lame had laminitis, sweet itch or sarcoids. No lumps or bumps. No Marish traits.

Passes are annual Licence Inspection which is equivalent to a stage 2 vetting.

Looking for a five star private home to give someone the opportunity to purchase a safe and very sensible horse, with so much to offer.

First to see will buy, she is one in a million and really can’t be missed.

We have a few horses and ponies available to purchase.

Absolute heartbreaking sale but we like to change our stock around every 2 years to give our fantastic horses and ponies the opportunity to experience a one to one home again.

Photos and videos available upon request.

If you are genuinely interested please CALL me, as text messages and email cant always be replied to straight away.


Stockport, Cheshire, SK2she get

LADY - super family mare

Ref #: 361780
  • Amazing to hack
  • Bold and fun to jump
  • Super safe
  • Appaloosa
  • Mare
  • 13 years
  • 14.3 hands
  • Amazing to hack
  • Bold and fun to jump
  • Super safe

Beautiful 2012 part bred Appaloosa mare standing at a full up 14.3. Lady is a happy hacker’s absolute dream, she’s just lovely to take out and about, she will hack on the buckle in the biggest, fastest and heaviest of traffic, doesn’t care or ride any differently if she is alone or in company, she’s so ideal for someone wanting a beautiful horse with a lovely attitude to hack out through the countryside.

She is a kind and sweet girl on the ground. She’s very easy to have around with no vices quirks or hang ups.

She’s mainly been used as a low-level all round her throughout her life and has done a little bit of everything she has Cross Country schooled done plenty of showjumping and riding club actives, she jumps all of our jump for joy fences here and is an ideal teenagers ride or granny’s hack.

That being said she would go and do a nice test tomorrow and is a safe ride. Open to any vet or trainer


Trial period available

Genuine gelding

Ref #: 363165
  • Rising 12yo 15HH buckskin Connemara gelding
  • Quinn has done a bit of everything includingg...
  • Fun rides, dressage competitions and hunting
  • Connemara
  • Buckskin
  • Gelding
  • 12 years
  • 15 hands
  • Rising 12yo 15HH buckskin Connemara gelding
  • Quinn has done a bit of everything includingg...
  • Fun rides, dressage competitions and hunting

Quinn is a rising 12yo 15HH buckskin Connemara gelding. His sire is Western Boy and Dam is Helens Queen. He is a beautifully put together Connemara with nice paces.

Quinn has done a bit of everything, including fun rides, dressage competitions, hunting and is happy jumping 60/70cm showjumping courses. He enjoys riding club rallies and pole clinics and has been cross country. He has done lots of in hand showing and is currently bare foot, he has great hard feet!

He is a safe and sensible type and is a more leg on ride but would feed off someone that is nervous or novice, so for this reason we are looking for a knowledgeable competent home for Quinn where he can enjoy a varied life.

He isn’t a world beater so wouldn’t suit someone wanting a competitive competition pony, he is a reliable low level allrounder. He loves his hacking, he’s sensible and has seen plenty of traffic, is great in open spaces and goes alone or in company. Quinn loves his hunting and loves hacking for miles with his friends. Quinn is easy to deal with in and out the stable, he’s good to catch, clip, box, travel etc.

For sale on behalf of a client, he’s on sales livery. Genuine reason for sale, and he has been in the same home the last 7 years.

Based near Badminton

£8500 including his tack

07888675407 whats app or call only

Beautiful Buckskin Tobiano Rising 2YO

Ref #: 363157
  • Stunning colour
  • Family friend
  • Perfect low level allrounder
£4,500 OIRO
  • Cob
  • Tobiano
  • Gelding
  • 1 years
  • Stunning colour
  • Family friend
  • Perfect low level allrounder

Cob (Moonshine) x TB (a Westerner mare)
Buckskin tobiano gelding
Rising 2YO (foaled May ‘23)
c.15.3hh now, likely to make 16.2hh+
Unrecorded breeding (white passport)
N. Wiltshire
Mid fours

Introducing Tucker aka “My Moonshine’s Firecracker” 

This lovely boy came to me in September ‘24 from Ireland.

Tucker’s a quiet, sensitive, handsome chap who has grown like a weed since being with me - with no plans of stopping anytime soon (he’s bum high once more!) Now starting to broaden out a little bit too - so will be very exciting to see how he ends up.

Good to catch (comes to call), good to halter, lead and handle. Happy to be rugged, have his feet done, groomed and generally be pootled around. He can take a while to warm to new people, but once he’s found a friend… you’re in!

Looking for a forever home for this sweet chap, where he can come out of his shell and be the centre of attention. Sadly, that’s going to be impossible for him with my herd - equine and human!

He’s going to be a good allrounder for someone - once you’ve won his heart 



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